Texas Southern specializes in acquisition due diligence projects for both mineral and leasehold interest. We developed and have trained our landmen using our custom template that allows for improved efficiency and accuracy in preparing and reviewing title.

We can help you from beginning to end of the project, helping with everything from organizing other brokers and assigning out work to coordinating the preparation of any curative with your title attorneys. We recently took a massive data dump consisting of hundreds of runsheets and mineral ownership reports from a seller and within a day had prepared an easy to read summary spreadsheet of what interest was being acquired, who it was originally acquired from, and what tracts appeared to have common title history. This allowed us to work with the client to plan for the manpower, time, and capital needed to complete the project.

We’ve perfected this report template and processes over the course of hundreds of due diligence projects throughout West Texas and New Mexico, but can quickly tailor it to fit any client’s needs or geographic location. When first visiting with a client about a due diligence project, your point of contact will go thru our standard checklist and verify there are no additional steps they need us to take nor anything they would like us to cut out. This allows us to make sure that we are providing the proper amount of detail and caution while balancing against time and cost constraints.

All of our reports are prepared on Google Drive, allowing for easy collaboration for team members while also allowing management real time access to review the work progress of landmen in the field. We primarily submit our completed reports to our clients using Dropbox, but can use Google Drive, deliver USB, or any other method requested. A sample report folder folder as it would normally be turned into a client (including document copies, maps, RRC documents, and our interest tracker to show how our ownership numbers were calculated) is embedded below. You can click on any of the links and will be taken to the report/folder requested on Google Drive.